
All Secured


We prioritize the security and privacy of our club members with the utmost seriousness. To enhance these aspects during your club visit, we have introduced a new, secure access control system. This system will automatically lock the main entrance door, the back hallway door, and the door between the bar and club areas.

Upon checking in at the front desk, your membership will be verified. Following the payment of your entrance donation for the evening, you will be issued an electronic key fob. This key fob will grant you access to the secured areas of the club for the duration of your visit.

Please ensure that you return the key fob when you are ready to leave for the evening. All issued key fobs are logged, and any fobs not returned will be deactivated in our system to maintain the integrity of our security measures. This new access control system is designed to confirm that all individuals within the club are valid members who have properly checked in for the evening.

Thank you for being a supporting member of Club3X

About the author: Club3X Ad Free
Owner of the club

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